Sometimes you need quick wisdom without trying to find the old man. This app generates wisdom every time the user clicks the die.
The data is fetched from a dynamic source with a plethora of wisdom.
Techs Used:
sunny side landing page
A fully optimized, responsive, cool landing page built completely with raw code.
Tech Used: JavaScript HTML CSS
Notifications Page
Built purely for aesthetics. This website is a dynamic and functional display of fun & creativity using simple javaScript
Tech Used: JavaScript HTML CSS
IP Tracker App
A fun little project to track any IP address.
Once, I woke up in the middle of the night and wondered...wondered how to track my IP address. So, I hopped on my computer and google searched "Track my IP bro", I clicked on the first link and was bombarded with ads. I don't like ads when I want to focus, so, I made my own IP tracker.
End of story
Tech Used: JavaScript HTML CSS
age calculator app
Calculates and displays age.
I found it strange that, there isn't any specific age calculator online. So, I built one.
Tech Used: JavaScript HTML CSS
Sign up form
A sign up form with Regex and something to ponder on.
Tech Used: JavaScript HTML CSS
Four Card Section
As simple as it looks, it isn't. Balancing the four cards on all devices is something AI has trouble with. You need complex mathematical and the art of balancing skills.