Digital X, is a fully optimized, responsive website designed to provide digital solutions. Built and powered by WordPress, this website presents products and solutions in the simplest, easy to navigate, UI friendly structure.
It has up to 10 operational webpages with dedicated section pages. Easy to edit and update or change.
A website built with WordPress, fully responsive and SEO friendly. Travel Eden is a tourist go-to hub for researching, planning and organizing their travel plans. Travel Eden’s blog posts offer different experiences and areas to explore, making it a perfect place to rely on.
In size, Travel Eden is a behemoth website with 14+ pages and a separate section for blog posts. It is a website and a blog site combined.
A modern and optimized website, especially for something simple and organic. Farming Fresh is built purely for farmer products and their services. Farming Fresh comes with a unique blend of color palette and a simple yet modern UI making it easy on the eyes and accessible for everyone.
The website offers up to 10 pages with a separate blog section.